Schooling Days
Schooling: Dressage, Cross Country, Show Jumping, the Trail Course and the Trails
General Schooling at Stone Gate Farm
Cross Country Schooling Options
During or at the conclusion of jumper shows or combined trials.
The day preceding the Mini Trials.
By Appointment: Please e-mail or call 330-222-2089 (may need to leave a message) or send a text message to 330-277-6964
Cross Country Schooling is weather dependent! You may be limited as to where you can go depending on the conditions.
If in doubt PLEASE call first.
Schooling Fees:
Dressage: $15
Trail Course: $25
Cross Country
Limited access/off season): $25/horse
Full access after a competition OR Summer Schooling Series: $35
The day before the Mini Trials:
Showing Horses: $25
Non-Showing Horses: $35
Group cross country lesson:
With Kyle or Jackie (includes the schooling fee): $50
Show Jumping:
When available $20/horse
Package of Cross Country & Show Jumping: $50
Sign up for TWO activities & receive a $5 discount
Sign up for THREE activities and receive a $10 discount
Sign up for all FOUR and receive a $15 discount
Please fill out one form per season (calendar year).
Summer Schooling Series Information
Every Wednesday – weather permitting until further notice
Cross Country, Show Jumping, and Trail Course available
Welcome to the Open Schooling Days which now includes the NEW Trail Course. We are requesting pre-registration ONLY to get an idea of how many riders to expect and if we need to tweak the schedule. Entries may be accepted the day of the Summer Schooling Series as space is available. The Sign Up for the subsequent schooling days will be posted at 9:00 PM at the completion of the current schooling day.
If you can’t make it on a scheduled schooling day, contact Jackie for an appointment.
You may park in either the day parking area
You are welcome to use a stall while you’re here but PLEASE leave it clean
Check in at the Grandstand overlooking the show jumping ring and may be self serve
Sign in
Pick up your number
Pay – make checks payable to Stone Gate LLC, if paying cash please put a sticky note on it with your name on it
Put payment and release form if applicable in the locking mail which is now located near the new water tank which is located at the east end of the small barn and the porta jons
Cross Country Schooling:
Must have a ground person
Sign up times are approximate, but we are trying to keep the number of horses on course to a safe number
Show Jumping:
Must have a ground person
Up to a half hour / per person
Riders are responsible for setting fences and putting them back where you found them when done.
Coaches may sign up to do a group lesson. Please indicate the number of riders
Trail Course:
Riders MUST wear HELMETS
Riders will be limited to avoid congestion
Riders will have up to 2 hours
If you and your horse are not familiar with the obstacles it is recommended that you try the obstacles in hand with a halter and long cotton lead rope
Riders must wear helmets
Schooling Rules
Park by the stabling barns
Check in with secretary for a pinney (for schooling days held in conjunction with a competition)
For those who are coming on non competition day; check in upon arrival by calling the cell phone number above
We must have a 2018 SGF Release Form on file.
For those who are schooling on a non competition day; payment should be left in the locking mail box in the dressage judge’s stand and signed release are to be placed folder above the mail box. Please PRINT your name on the top of the release form. If you don’t bring a signed release form with you, there will be some forms available in the folder.
Make checks payable to Stone Gate LLC. If you are paying by cash; please put you name on a piece of paper (available in the gray folder) with the cash.
You must have a ground person
Please wear a safety vest and a medical armband with an emergency contact person and number if it is not your ground person.
You may warm up in the jumping ring, but if the good show jumps are set up there will be an addition $15 charge. Keep in mind if you break a good show jump rail you will be charged $30 to replace it.
Only jump fences that you and your horse are comfortable jumping
Please limit the number of times you jump a fence to preserve footing, especially if conditions are less than idea.
If you have gone through a fence line that has been opened for you or if you opened it yourself; please remember to close it when you’re done.
You may use a stall to tack up, but please make sure it is clean before you leave
If you notice any holes or fences that are in need of repair, please let us know.
Be safe and have fun!!
For those who don’t have a trainer and who would like some help, contact
Kyle Smith @ 330-277-6592 or Jackie Smith @ 330-277-6964