Winter Lesson Series

Welcome to the 12th  year for the Winter Lesson Series at  His Way Farm

It's hard to believe the WLS has been running that long.  Many thanks to the Van Scoys for their continued hospitality. We are looking forward to seeing many returning riders and hope to see a few new   ones.  We have decided to start the season early again this year before the Holidays and possibly bad weather.

Be sure to bookmark the Sign Up Genius  page as we will be using this sign up all season. An updated sign up will be posted the Monday after the weekend lessons.  Please read through everything before signing up as some of you may be new, some things have changed and some of you still need reminding how to properly sign up ;)

Ride times will be e-mailed to you Thursday before the lessons and posted on the SGF FB page and website.  Groups will be put together based on compatibility. 


 March 25 - 26 

WLS March 25-26.pdf

Click on the Sign Up Genius logo to register for lessons


His Way Farm Notes

Method of Payment


LESSONS Dates                Sign Up will be Available

November 19 - 20                  November 7              

December 3- 4                       November 21

December 17 - 18                   December 5

January 7 - 8                           December 19

January 28 - 29                      January 8

February 11 - 12                     January 31

February 25 - 26                     February 13

March 11 - 12                         February 27

March 25 - 26                         March 13

PLEASE READ the following BEFORE signing up.

After you have submitted your registration you may go back in and edit your submission at any time to change anything in the comment section, change the rider’s name, or delete the registration.  All changes will be e-mailed directly to me to keep me up to date.  There is no need to send me an additional e-mail.  


Fees: May pay online, by check or cash. Make checks payable to Stone Gate LLC

Dates & Lesson Descriptions  

January  7 & 8: Developing Focus, Balance and more – This lesson will begin with flat work using HorsePhysio exercises designed to improve the rhythm, straightness and balance of the horse & rider through the use of ground pokes and  cavaletti.  The lesson will move forward to jumping which will be improved after working on the exercises …. at least that’s what we’ll be working towards 

January 28 & 29 Gymnastics: There will be 3 different gymnastics set up with something for every rider and every horse no matter the level to help both rider and horse improve their jumping skills.

February 11 & 12:  Finding a distance aka It's all about the 'quality' of the canter:  Riders will work on exercises that will help them to develop adjustability in the canter and developing the rider's 'eye'

February 25 & 26: Developing Instincts of both the horse and rider – aka survival skills:  this lesson will be similar to the first day at a Lucinda Green Clinic where a variety of unusual questions will be set up such as narrow faced fences, points, corners, interesting angles and distances where the rider will learn to ride the horse with the correct rhythm, energy, line and balance so the horse can figure out the answer to these questions.  These skills are necessary for riding cross country courses successfully and safely. Even those riders who will never ride a cross country course, these exercises will help to develop the partnership between the horse and rider.

March 11 & 12: Course Work – riders will practice developing the ‘quality’ canter required to jump a course smoothly throughout. Both straight line bending lines practiced before putting it all together in courses.  The courses will vary depending on the level of the horse and the rider.

March 25 & 26: Combination Lesson which will have elements of the previous lessons depending on the needs of the horses and riders.

For those of you who have not had the opportunity to ride at ‘His Way Farm’ yet; I would like to share a couple links that will help you find your way and become familiar with this lovely facility: Google map and a clinic report with pics and video. As you can see from the pictures the arena is huge and the lounge very comfy.  Please be sure to check out the Google map for His Way Farm before coming as it can be a little tricky.

For those who don't pre-pay online, you may  via cash or check.  There will be a large envelop for placing the payment.  If paying cash please indicate that on the schedule attached to the envelop. Please make checks payable to Stone Gate LLC.

I’m looking forward to working with you and your horse.  Here’s hoping the weather cooperates!
