Horse Trials
Recognized Horse Trials ~ General Information ~ Quick Links
Welcome to the Recognized Horse Trials page where you will find general information various helpful links. Be sure to go to the Winona Horse Trials information that is specific to that event. Please read the Notes from Our Secretary and a Guide to Entering Competitions
Entry Reminders: We are ALL Electronic - please DO NOT send anything through the mail
Entries through X-entries ONLY
Signatures Electronically
Stone Gate Farm release form for anyone coming to the farm
Any entry that is not COMPLETE by closing date will be assessed a late fee
if you have any questions or need to notify us of a change or request please e-mail … both the secretary and the organizer monitor that e-mail address.
please DO NOT text, Face Book message or e-mail Jackie as all that information will need to be forwarded to the secretary and in addition to taking time; it opens the door for mistakes
Stabling Reminders:
• stalls are assigned on a first come basis and fill up fast
• when requesting to be ‘stabled with’ a group, please use ONE name for the group
• NO BEDDING will be provided, if you do not want the bedding please let the secretary know
• shavings @ $9 Shavings need to be pre-ordered
• if you sign up for the stall cleaning service you do NOT need to include the stall cleaning deposit