Dressage Show & 'Fix a Test'

Dressage Show &  'Fix a Test'

May 4th, 2024


               Opening Date: March 26   Closing Date: April 30


Click icon to Sign Up

Links to Dressage Tests

2023 USDF Dressage Tests                                 2022 WDDA Dressage Tests

               2022 Eventing Tests     Working Equitation Dressage Tests

Click on icon to Volunteer

Ride times will be posted here and on the Stone Gate Farm Facebook page


The Dressage Show and Test Clinic is a great opportunity for horses and/or riders who are new to competing gain real show experience in a low key environment. It is also ideal for those who just what to improve their competition rides and work through imperfections they may encounter during the test.

Riders may choose to simply ride dressage test, participate in the 'Fix a Test'.  You will ride the test for the show and be judge by Jackie Smith (USEF Licensed Judge, ICP Certified Instructor & CCI*** competitor)

If you are riding in the ‘Fix a Test’ you will ride the test & be judged, followed by a critique of the ride and assistance from Jackie to help the rider with problem spots. You will ride the test again.  The first ride will count for the class placing. 

Western Dressage and Working Equitation riders are welcome, simple enter  'Test of Choice' with the test that you would like to  enter.

Ribbons will be awarded through 6th place and a most improved score for the rider who showed the most improvement on the second 'Fix a Test' ride.

Competitors can choose from the following:


Sample Sign Up.pdf